Experiment With Your Journaling Format to Improve The Experience

Have you been writing in your journal for a while, and find that you always tend to write about the same things? If so, this can lead to boredom and quitting very quickly. A good way to get out of this dull mindset is to try writing in a different condition, mood, or space. Here are some ideas to help you find new conditions for writing in your journal.

Journaling is so much more than just putting your thoughts and feelings down on paper. That is definitely a big part of it, but there is almost an endless amount of benefits for your physical, emotional, and mental health. One thing you might not have thought of is experimenting with your journal. By trying out different things and documenting them, you are able to find more clarity into your life.

Try Different Things

Experimenting with your journal can be accomplished in a few different ways, depending on what you are trying to get out of it. The first way is by trying new things and documenting it in your journal. The journal is really powerful because it allows you to express how you are feeling about any particular thing, but you often also work things out with it.

So, if you want to try a new diet in order to help with your physical health, you start by making notes about it in your journal. You can then make a meal plan and grocery list. After that, write in the journal each day about how the diet is going, changes to make, and whether or not this “experiment” is working for you.

Work Out Your Problems

Another way you can experiment by using your journal is to work out different problems you have. Perhaps you are having some mental health issues, but you can’t really figure out where they are coming from. Are you suffering from increased panic attacks as a result of your anxiety disorder? You can start writing down as many details each time you have a panic attack, and try to figure out what you were doing around that time. In this method, you are experimenting with the panic attacks themselves, both in figuring out the triggers, and also writing down what works for you when you try to resolve them.

Write Under Different Conditions

Good and Bad Moods

The first way to write under different conditions is to consider what mood you like to write in. Everyone has their preference, and this often depends on the type of journal writing you do. For someone who likes to talk about their day and write out goals in their journal, they might write when they are in a happy or optimistic mood. On the other hand, someone who uses the journal to vent their frustrations tends to journal more on bad days or when they are under a lot of stress.

Think about when you typically journal as far as your mood goes, and do the opposite. Try journaling when you are sad and crying, when you are angry, when you are happy and excited, and when you are tired. Look at how different your writing is! This can be a really fun experiment and helps you understand a little more about yourself.

Inside and Outside

Take your journal inside and outside, then look at the differences. You can even do this at the same time. Start by getting comfortable and cozy inside your home, curling up on a couch and writing in your journal. Just write the first thing that comes to mind, doing a little ‘stream of consciousness’ type of journaling.

Next, take your journal outside, whether it is in your backyard, sitting on a park bench nearby, or even driving a little further. Write another stream of consciousness page when you are outside. Did your writing change? Were your thoughts somehow influenced by being inside versus outside?

Sunny Day and Rainy Day

The weather can also be a condition that changes how you journal and what you choose to write about. It also affects people’s moods and energy levels, so that also has an affect on your writing. Try writing in different weather conditions, such as sunny days, snow days, rainy or gloomy days. Make a note of what the weather condition was and where you were writing at the time so you can look back and see how different your journaling experience was.

Find More Clarity

As you can see, experimenting with your journal allows you to find more clarity. The more details you write down in your journal, the more self-awareness you gain. Every facet of your life can be experimented with in a while, from trying new morning or evening routines, to figuring out the perfect method of sleeping better at night. It can be useful for physical and mental health, as well as emotional health if you use your journal in the right way. The key is to write everything down and keep looking back at previous pages when you’re trying to find a pattern.

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