Gratitude Journal Benefits

gratitude journalPart 1 of this 3-part series focuses on Gratitude Journal Benefits and why you should keep a gratitude journal.

It might seem like a pipe dream that writing in a journal could be so beneficial. But the scientific evidence is in, and gratitude journals do benefit you in big ways if you keep one for the long term and use it daily.

1 Helps You Focus on the Positive

One of the benefits of talking about gratitude in your journal is that you can focus more on positive things in your life. Journals are often filled with your emotions and feelings, and some days, it might feel all negative. But you can usually find something to be grateful for every day and in every situation, so try to hone in on that. You can express gratitude at the end of each journal entry, or have a journal completely dedicated to it.

2 Fosters Optimism

Some days it’s just too hard to see the wood for the trees. You’ll find yourself focusing on something that has upset you and that troublesome thought will nag away at you constantly. Taking some time to sit quietly and think about something you are grateful for will help reduce the negative thoughts and feelings and replace them with positive ones.

3 Boosts Self-Esteem

Expressing gratitude is also wonderful for your self-esteem. Instead of talking about physical features or qualities you don’t like about yourself, start talking about the ones you do. Be grateful for as many things as you can think of, both inside and outside. Perhaps you are intelligent and grateful for your mind, or you have physical features you feel proud of. Embrace the good about yourself and focus less on what you don’t like.

You can’t help but feel better about yourself when you have improved so many good qualities about yourself. Your self-esteem will go up when you express gratitude for what your mind and body can do for you.

4 Reduces Aggressiveness

It’s hard to feel aggressive if you are happy and grateful. It’s okay to be angry about injustices in the world without being aggressive. But if you feel angry a lot due to your life, it’s really due to not finding the things to be grateful about. There is almost always something for most people.

5 Strengthens Relationships

It’s so simple, but it can be hard to accept. You are the one who makes yourself happy with your own choices. Another person cannot make you happy or grateful. Only you can do that. But something amazing happens when you express gratitude often – your relationships simply open up and become better. Those that don’t, you start to recognize for what they are and let them go.

6 Encourages You To Be More Empathetic & Less Judgmental

As you write more and learn to forgive yourself as you seek to fill your mind with thoughts of gratitude, you will start seeing others differently. You’ll have more ability to put yourself in their shoes and see things from their way without judgment. It happens when you learn to forgive yourself.

7 Increases Mental Dexterity

The ability to take lemons and turn them into that sweet, delightful state drink of Arizona can be gained by keeping a gratitude journal. The main reason is that you will learn on even a bad day to pick out the good in it. That requires a good imagination and creativity and thinking on your feet.

8 Improves Physical Health

Being grateful for the ability to move and breathe will eventually cross over into wanting to ensure that you can always do that. Therefore, you’ll be more motivated to go on walks, eat right, stay hydrated, and live in gratitude for every aspect of your life.

9 Helps You Sleep Better

Keeping a gratitude journal is fun, calming and a positive activity that promotes happy thoughts and feelings. By replacing worry and stress, you can sleep more peacefully and have happier dreams. If you’re not anxious but go to sleep each night feeling thankful for everything you’ve experienced (or at least most of it), it’s easier to sleep because you have less anxiety.

10 Boosts Productivity

Due to feeling more rested, less stressed, and more grateful, you’ll have a lot more energy to get things done every day. That’s always going to make you feel even more thankful because good things happen due to productivity

If you want to be happier, get more done in life, and experience real joy in life, a gratitude journal can be the way to achieve it. The guiding thing to remember is that your thoughts cause your feelings, and you are the one in control of the actions you take once you accept your feelings. Accepting that you do have control is half the battle, and your journal will make it clear that you do.

I often have people asking ‘Why keep a gratitude journal?’ As you can see, the benefits of keeping a gratitude journal straddle all areas of our lives, from improving focus and fostering calm and serenity to better physical health too.

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