Gratitude Journal Prompts

1. Write down 3 things that are working amazingly well for you right now.

2. What is something that caught your attention recently and made you realize how fortunate you are?

3. What are five personality traits that you are most grateful for?

4. Name five talents that you are grateful for.

5. Name five family members that you are most grateful for and write down what it is that makes each person special.

6. What are three things you can do today to be kinder?

7. Brag about five of your biggest accomplishments.

8. What are three things that bring a smile to your face?

9. Think about qualities in people you admire. List these qualities and list ways you could incorporate their ways of dealing with life.

10. What were your worst three days? What were your three best days? Write a small paragraph about each.

11. Name someone special in your past or present who taught you about unconditional love.

12. What physical characteristics are you most grateful for?

13. Name three people that come to mind who don’t have it as good as you do.

14. What are irritations in your life that could use a change in perspective? What can you take less seriously and find humor in?

15. What is the highlight of your day today?

16. Name three friends that you are most grateful for and write down what it is that makes each person special.

17. Think about the worst period of time you went through and 10 ways life is better now than it was then.

18. Who or what in your life are you grateful you let go of?

19. Think of three times pure luck or grace saved you. Write a paragraph about each and focus on who was involved and how the events took place.

20. What is the most beautiful place you’ve been to? Relive being in this place as you write about what you loved most about it.

21. What about your career or job are you grateful for?

22. What are five things you like most about your home?

23. Describe something you saw recently that warmed your heart.

24. Name three things that have happened to you that have strengthened your character. These can be positive or negative events.

25. Think of up to five people that you have trouble getting along with. For each person, write what irritates you most about them. Then, think about three qualities about each person that are positive.
Write about a time someone went out of their way to help you.

26. Write about a time you went out of your way to help somebody else.

27. What about your upbringing are you grateful for?

28. What are three things you could start doing today that would express your gratitude to others? This could be helping others that are less fortunate by volunteering your time, donating to a cause, or making more time for loved ones. The goal must be reachable and done within one week.

29. What are 10 things about your life that cause you stress? For each stressor, write down two things you can do to change it.

30. Name 3 people or things that you feel you take for granted. How can you express more appreciation for these things or people?

31. List three struggles you experienced that you have overcome. Who and what helped you to overcome these trials?

32. What are three things that you laughed about today or this week?

33. What do you appreciate about the town or area you live?

34. Write five things you are doing well right now.

35. Name three things you can afford to buy or do that make your life easier.

36. Make a list of 20 ways you are fortunate.

37. How can you be more mindful of your five senses to make you more grateful of each? Examples include spending a few minutes focusing on each.

38. Think of three stereotypes that do not have it as good as you. What could you do to help people in these situations? Examples include sick children, homeless people, the disabled, elderly, or anyone facing struggles that are worse than your own.

39. What meals do you most enjoy making or eating?

40. What about nature are you grateful for?

41. What do you appreciate most about or in your life?

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