assorted journals and books

Journal Writing Ideas For All Ages

assorted journals and booksWriting in a journal every day or even just a few times a week is a great habit to develop. In addition to being an enjoyable activity, it also offers several unexpected benefits, from helping you de-stress to learning more about yourself and exploring your full potential. This is as true for young children just learning how to express themselves in the written word as for teens, college students, working adults, and even senior citizens.

Thinking about starting the habit of journaling but not sure what to write about? These journal writing ideas will give you plenty of cues to get started no matter what your age.

young girl journlingJournaling Writing Ideas for Young Children

Journal writing in the lower grades may pertain mostly to things children have learned either through formal learning or from conversations with mom and dad.

Favorite animals are one of the most popular topics with younger kids. Another favorite topic is holiday memories.

“What did you learn today?” with an emphasis on drawing and only a few accompanying words is another great journal prompt for little ones.

These are great journal writing ideas to get started:

· What animal would I like to be for one day?
· Which is my favorite baby animal? Why?
· Why is my best friend the best?
· How can I be a great best friend too?

Older children can begin exploring their emotions and goals more.

· What would I like to be when I grow up and why?
· What is it about my school I love best?
· Which is my favorite movie and why?
· Which is my favorite movie character and why?
· What will life be like in five years?

teenager writing in journalJournaling Writing Ideas for Teens

Besides secret diary confessions and thoughts about their personal experiences, teens can begin thinking about the bigger picture and the world around them.

Journaling prompts that focus on positive views of your individual nature are great.

· What is my most prized possession? Would I ever give it away if somebody needed it?
· Could I have handled the last argument I got into better? How?
· Write about you from your best friend’s perspective.
· How would I rewrite an experience I had to make it better?
· What do I think about global climate change?
· How can I contribute towards environmental conservation?
· What can I do within your community to foster awareness about global warming and its effects?

person writing in journalJournaling Writing Ideas for Young Adults

As a young adult just starting out in the world, you have a lot of things you need to figure out and are probably under a lot of stress trying to find your identity.

Journaling at the end of the day can help find different viewpoints about things that went on in class or at work.

As a young adult, you can write about things you learned in relationships with friends, colleagues and yourself.

Consider lists of compliments you pay yourself, define success, or write down questions you need to know the answers to.

Start with these journal writing ideas:

· List 5 ways something others (or you!) consider a waste of time can benefit you.
· What is your biggest stressor and how can you minimize it?
· What does it mean to be a good neighbor?
· Do I enjoy what I am doing to earn a living?
· If I could change my job, what would I want to do?

Journaling Writing Ideas for Middle Ages

Avoid making a journal into a play-by-play account of what your children did. As important as they are to your life, a journal is a place for you to discover or re-discover yourself.

A journal offers you much-needed space to make your bucket list, reminisce on past adventures or events, and fully explore emotions tied to certain things in your life. Your journal is about YOU.

Check out these journal writing ideas that focus on you:

· What new technology do I love? Hate?
· If you could get advice from one person on Earth, who would you go to and what would you ask about?
· What is my favorite hobby and how long has it been since I last made time for it?
· What relaxes me?
· What stresses me out most of all?
· What is the biggest contribution I have made to the world?

person writing in journalJournaling Writing Ideas for Seniors

Looking back can be bittersweet and journaling about the people you have met, places you have seen, and things you have done can be an adventure all its own. Make an effort to look forward when writing in your journal as well.

Do you have a plan or is it time to fly free?

What did you always want to tell a family member or friend?

· Write a letter to yourself at major life stages or events.
· Describe the place you have been where you felt most at home.
· What secrets are you keeping about yourself that people may be surprised to know?
· Make a plan for next week, month, and year.

Journal writing ideas for all ages is a great outlet for creativity, self-examination, and is also an excellent way to deal with and alleviate stress.

Parents can start their children off young and encourage and model ongoing journaling through the years. The great thing about journaling is you can start at any time, spend as much or as little time as you want and use it for just about any purpose that you feel like.

It’s easy to get started too. Use these journal writing ideas to record any thoughts and feelings that enter your mind when you pick up a pen or fire up the computer.

What about you? Do you have any journal writing ideas that you would like to share? Do let us know in the comments below.

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