Power Of A Vision Board

Using a vision board helps to create champions and peak performance. Champion athletes often write out their goals as a list on the board and then find images to support those goals.
They often find that while they are right in the middle of needing intense motivation, they may not be able to recall a particular written goal; however the image they chose will shine bright in their mind.

When observing some athletes prior to a pole vault or a ski run, it may be noted that they are in the “zone.” This means that what they have visualized upon their vision board is now being accomplished right at that moment. Some athletes will start to make the motion of running, jumping or paddling to the point that their body believes they are actually performing.

Their intensity may be such, that their eyes roll back a bit in their head. In neuro-linguistic programming, known in short form as NLP-the idea of eye movement hard to the left, right or even upwards, means the eye muscle is activating different portions of the brain. We need to remember something for instance, it is believed when you are asked, “how are you feeling?” you will look down and to the right, in order to access an answer that matches your emotion. “I am feeling sad or I am feeling depressed,” would be a typical response. Eye movement in sports performance is something that most people do not think about. It will be the same when you start to picture thoughts in your head, in regards to creating your vision board.

High performers that create and use vision boards, in a sense are creating an ignition key, ready to fire up the brain for peak performance.

The Benefits of Creative Vision

Having a vision board will help put it all together for you; your goals, your motivation and much more is tied into your journals, written goals and of course the vision board.
There are benefits to using creative vision. Before you can create a vision board that will serve you, it is important to know how you feel about the elements you want on your board. If you put down on your board a picture of a nice house but it doesn’t move you, then you need to discard that.

Try sitting quietly in a comfortable chair. Clear your mind and then think about creating the perfect house. What emotions do you feel? Do you feel ecstatic, negative or just plain neutral? The benefit of using creative vision, helps to weed out what you don’t want and bring forth what truly matters to you.

Perfecting what you want, will occur when you use creative vision. You will see your vision in your mind and play with it. Alter it or tweak it as you see fit. Add colors, shapes and sounds. Think of it like this-if you want a sports car and you just picture a sports car, what sort of emotion will you feel towards it? You have the benefit of being able to make that sports car come alive in your mind by making as many creative changes as you want. What color will the car be, will there be add-ons both inside and out? How will the interior smell? When you do this, you will come up with exactly what you want and your brain will start to search for ways to make it happen.

Having a creative vision will give you the benefit of working on every area in your mind, deleting what is not needed and adding what you need to do to achieve it. You can use your creative vision on your relationships, finances, work and your spirituality just to name a few.

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